Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Most Unique thing about GSE Selection

Whenever I enter into an intellectual debate with people on any current affairs, I usually find that I am alone in the way I think and present ideas. Many times I end up thinking whether my ideas and thinking is correct. That is why I am usually a bit hesitant to share my ideas. But on 2nd October 2009, when I met people who came for GSE Selection, I was surprised to the core, because I found most of them to be having similar ideas and I was at home and at ease. That is what made my GSE experience unique.


  1. Rajesh,
    The most unique thing about GSE is yet to happen when we carry the flag of India to Arizona USA. Definately that will be our most proud moment.

  2. Sir,

    It will be an honor sir. A day that I had never thought would come, but aspired to have. We, Indians, each one of us from the core of our hearts, carrying our flag, representing our country, in the United States. Oh! Goose Bumps on my skin, whenever I think that we are going to the worlds most powerful country ever and would tell them what we stand for, when the whole world is wondering what India is about, we will get a chance to present and to demonstrate what we stand for, and what we are. I am looking forward for that occasion.
