Friday, April 30, 2010

Thank You All For Being Patient

I know that our team has a reputation to manage. I am having difficulties in getting an Internet Connection to post a blog. Sometimes, organizing for the post is getting tougher. Just to keep you updated on what's happening, we have just finished our mid tour break at Laughlin, Nevada. We stayed at the Colorade Belle, a casino and a hotel on the banks of the Colorado River. It was amazing. We found time to unwind and time to plan for a few things after the break. But the time we spent together brought us more closer together. It was just like when we went to Chennai for getting our Visas.

Presently we are all set into our host families at Anthem, Peoria and Surprise and are getting ready for the next round of the GSE to begin. I am so sorry I am unable to load any photographs at this stage as I am not working on my laptop. Promise to return with more fun and serious stuff in my next post, in a couple of days of time. During the break, I had the time to jot down a few thoughts of mine and put together a few pictures. Unfortunately, I am not being successful in posting it. Having some problems with the pictures getting transferred to the blog. I am figuring it out as to how it should go. Once done, you will find more pictures and more material to think about.

My next post will be about our vocational visits and how we made use of those to suit to our needs. Await that. I am sure you will appreciate that too!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rajesh,
    That a great write up. You brought out lot of important issues such as our vocational visit. I appreciate your efforts in making blog interesting. Keep going.
